Your search returned 4 results.

World health organization alert on high level of sugar in baby food

by Beal, Judy A [author].

Source: MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing Copyright date: 2020Availability: Items available for reference: COLLEGE LIBRARY (1).

Drowning remains a leading cause of injury-related deaths in children

by Beal, Judy A [author].

Source: MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing Copyright date: 2019Availability: Items available for reference: COLLEGE LIBRARY (1).

An end to sugary drinks : the American academy of pediatrics and American heart association speak out

by Beal, Judy A [author].

Source: MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child NursingCopyright date: 2019Availability: Items available for reference: COLLEGE LIBRARY (1).

Increasing population of vaping among adolescents

by Beal, Judy A [author].

Source: MCN, The American Journal of Maternal Child NursingCopyright date: 2019Availability: Items available for reference: COLLEGE LIBRARY (1).