Your search returned 5 results.

Health : making life choices / Frances Sizer Webb, Eleanor Noss Whitney, Linda Kelly Debruyne

by Webb, Frances Sizer [author] | Whitney, Eleanor Noss | Debruyne, Linda Kelly.

Edition: Second editionPublisher: Cincinnati : West Educational, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: ELEMENTARY LIBRARY [Call number: 613 W382 1999] (1).

Nutrition and diet theraphy: principles and practice / Corinne Balog Cataldo, Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Eleanor Noss Whitney

by Cataldo, Corine Balog [author] | DeBruyne, Linda Kelly Whitney, Eleonor Noss.

Edition: Sixth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Australia : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.3 C28 2003] (1).

Nutrition and diet therapy: principles and practice / Corinne Balog Cataldo, Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Eleanor Noss Whoitney

by Cataldo, Corrine Balog [author] | DeBruyne, linda Kelly Eleonor Kelly Noss.

Edition: Fourth editionPublisher:  St. Paul, MN.  West Publishing  1995Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 615.854 C28 1995] (1).

Making life choices: health skills and concepts / Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer, Eleanor Nosss Whitney, Linda Kelly DeBruyne

by Sizer, Frances Sienkiewiez [author] | Whitney, Eleonor Nosss DeBruyne, Linda Kelly [author].

Publisher:  St.Paul  West Publishing  1994Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 613 Si99 1994] (1).

Nutrition & diet therapy: principles and practice / Corinne Balog Cataldo, Linda Kelly DeBruyne, Eleanor Noss Whoitney

by Cataldo, Corinne Balog [author] | DeBruyne, Linda Kelly Whoitney, Eleonor Noss [author].

Edition: Third editionPublisher: Saint Paul West Publishing 1992Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 615.854 C28 1992] (1).