Your search returned 4 results.

Elementary algebra / Charles P. McKeague

by McKeague, Charles P, author.

Publisher: Australia: Thompson Learning, 2004Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 512.9 M193 2004] (1).

Parents aren't supposed to like it : rock & other pop musicians of today / Judson Knight ; edited by Allison McNeill

by Knight, Judson [author] | McNeil, Allison [editor].

Publisher: New York : Gale Group Thompson Learning, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY - JHS [Call number: 780.92 K745 2002] (1).

Mechanics of fluids / Merle C. Potter ... [et al.].

by Potter, Merle C [author] | Wiggert, D. C | Hondzo, Midhat.

Edition: Third EditionPublisher: Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks Cole /Thompson Learning, c2002Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 620.106 P853 2002] (1).

Technician's guide to programmable controllers / Richard A. Cox, Terry R. Borden

by Cox, Richard A [author].

Edition: Fifth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Clifton Park, NY : Delmar Thompson Learning, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 629.89 C839 2007] (1).