Your search returned 61 results.

LEPT reviewer licensure examination for professional teachers / by Fe Blas [and eleven others]

by Blas, Fe [author.] | Calayag, Neil Andrew [author] | Ducay, Irene [author] | Esmane, Manuelito [author].

Edition: 2019 edition.Language: English Publisher: Quezon City : NRS Enterprises, [2019]Copyright date: c2019Availability: Items available for loan: GRADUATE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.10076 B2901 2019] (1).

Assessment in special and inclusive education / John Salvia, James E. Ysseldyke, Sara Witmer.

by Salvia, John [author.] | Ysseldyke, James E [author.] | Bolt, Sara [author.].

Edition: Thirteenth edition.Student edition.Language: English Publisher: Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, [2017]Copyright date: c2017Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.26 Sa391 2017] (1).

Using evidence of student learning to improve higher education / George D. Kuh, Stanley O. Ikenberry, Natasha A. Jankowski, Timothy Reese Cain, Peter T. Ewell, Pat Hutchings, and Jillian Kinzie.

by Kuh, George D [editor of compilation.] | Ikenberry, Stanley O [editor of compilation.] | Jankowski, Natasha A [editor of compilation. ] | Cain, Timothy Reese [ editor of compilation. ] | Ewell, Peter T [editor of compilation.] | Hutchings, Pat [ editor of compilation.] | Kinzie, Jillian [ editor of compilation.].

Edition: First editionLanguage: English Publisher: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, [2015]Online access: Cover image Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 378.16620973 Us41 2015] (1).

Assessing 21st century skills : a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning / Laura Greenstein.

by Greenstein, Laura.

Language: English Publisher: Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, [2012]Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.26 G854 2012] (1).

Assessment as learning : using classroom assessment to maximize student learning / Lorna M. Earl.

by Earl, Lorna M. (Lorna Maxine), 1948-.

Edition: Second edition.Language: English Publisher: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, [2013]Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.26 Ea73 2013] (1).

Protocols in the classroom : tools to help students read, write, think, and collaborate / David Allen, Tina Blythe, Alan Dichter, Terra Lynch ; Foreword by Joseph McDonald.

by Allen, David, 1961- [author.] | Blythe, Tina, 1964- [author.] | Dichter, Alan [ author.] | Lynch, Terra [author.].

Publisher: New York, NY : Teachers College Press, 2018Availability: Items available for loan: HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY - JHS [Call number: 371.102 Al533 2018] (1).

Measuring up : what educational testing really tells us / Daniel Koretz.

by Koretz, Daniel M.

Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.26 K841 2008] (1).

Common sense questions about tests : the answers can reveal essential steps for improvement / by Gerard Giordano.

by Giordano, Gerard, 1946- [author.].

Publisher: Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2015]Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.26 G437 2016] (1).

Professional board examination for teachers / by Arellano V. Busto

by Bustos, Arellano V [author].

Edition: Revised editionPublisher: Manila : A.V.B. Printing Press, c2013Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.10076 B969 2013] (2).

Assessment in early childhood education / Sue C. Wortham.

by Wortham, Sue Clark, 1935- [author].

Edition: Fifth editionLanguage: English Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 372.126 W899 2008] (1).

Promoting assessment as learning : improving the learning process / Ruth Dann.

by Dann, Ruth [author].

Language: English Publisher: London ; New York : RoutledgeFalmer, 2002Online access: Book review (Education Review) | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 372.1260941 D232 2002] (1).

Assessing students with special needs / James A. McLoughlin, Rena B. Lewis.

by McLoughlin, James A | Lewis, Rena B.

Edition: 7th ed.Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 M226 2008] (1).

Assessment in special education : an applied approach / Terry Overton.

by Overton, Terry [author].

Edition: Third editionLanguage: English Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Merrill, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 Ov2 2000] (1).

Case studies in assessment of students with disabilities / Mary Konya Weishaar, Victoria Groves Scott.

by Weishaar, Mary Konya [author] | Scott, Victoria Groves.

Language: English Publisher: Boston : Pearson/A and B, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.9 W435 2005] (1).

Encyclopedia of educational measurement and evaluation /

by Nirman, Pooja [author].

Language: English Publisher: New Delhi : Anmol Publications, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: GRADUATE LIBRARY [Call number: 370.3 N629 2007] (1).

Facilitating learning : a metacognitive process / Maria Rita D. Lucas,Ph.D., Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D.

by Lucas, Maria Rita D [Author].

Edition: 2nd EditionPublisher: Quezon City : Lorimar Publishing, Inc. , [2001]Copyright date: c2011Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 153.15 L962 2011 ] (3).

Assessing student learning : a common sense guide / Linda Suskie; foreword by Trudy W. Banta

by Suskie, Linda [author].

Edition: Second editionLanguage: English Publisher: San Francisco, California : Jossey-bass , 2009Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 378.166 Su81 2009] (1).

Assessing learners online / Albert Oosterhof, Rita-Marie Conrad, Donald P. Ely.

by Oosterhof, Albert | Conrad, Rita-Marie | Ely, Donald P.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.334 O09 2008] (1).

Collaborative analysis of student work : improving teaching and learning / Georgea M. Langer, Amy B. Colton, and Loretta S. Goff.

by Langer, Georgea M, 1948- [author] | Colton, Amy B, 1954- | Goff, Loretta S, 1953-.

Language: English Publisher: Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2003Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.264 L262 2003] (1).

Transformative assessment in action : an inside look at applying the process / W. James Popham.

by Popham, W. James.

Publisher: Alexandria, VA : ASCD, c2011Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 371.271 P812 2011] (1).