Big data for small business / Bernard Marr. by Marr, Bernard [author.]. Language: English Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley, 2016Copyright date: ©2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 658.4038028557 M348 2016]
Fundamentals of big data : network analysis for research and industry / Hyunjoung Lee, Institute of Green Technology, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, Il Sohn, Material Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea. by Lee, Hyunjoung [author.] | Sohn, Il [author.]. Edition: First edition.Language: English Publisher: Chichester, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 006.312 L5101 2016]
Logic and discrete mathematics : a concise introduction / Willem Conradie, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University, Sweden. by Conradie, Willem, 1978- [author.] | Goranko, Valentin [author.]. Language: English Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Hoboken, NJ, USA : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2015Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 511.3 C7639 2015]
Drawing architecture and the urban / Sam Jacoby. by Jacoby, Sam [author.]. Language: English Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 720.284 J1597 2016]
Semantics / John I. Saeed. by Saeed, John I [author.]. Edition: Fourth edition.Language: English Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex [England] ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2016Online access: Cover image Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 401.43 Sa163 2016]
The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of occupational safety and workplace health / edited by Sharon Clarke, Tahira M. Probst, Frank Guldenmund, and Jonathan Passmore. by Clarke, Sharon, 1968- [editor.] | Probst, Tahira M [editor.] | Guldenmund, Frank [editor.] | Passmore, Jonathan [editor.]. Language: English Publisher: Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY
[Call number: 158.7 W6481 2016]