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Your search returned 138 results.

Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C : from USB to ZIGBEE with the 18F series / Dogan Ibrahim.

by Ibrahim, Dogan [author].

Publisher: Amsterdam: Elsevier, c2008Online access: Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 629.895 Ib7 2008] (2).

Introduction to visual C# 2008 programming / Copernicus P. Pepito.

by Pepito, Copernicus P [Author].

Language: English Publisher: Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, c2009Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 P393 2009 ] (3).

C++ programming : from problem analysis to program design / D.S. Malik.

by Malik, D. S [author.].

Edition: Philippine edition.Publisher: Andover : Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., c2011Other title: C plus plus programming : from problem analysis to program design.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 M295 2011] (1).

C++ programming : program design including data structures / D.S. Malik.

by Malik, D. S [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: Australia : Course Technology, c2009Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 M295 2009] (1).

Building software for simulation : theory and algorithms, with applications in C++ / James Nutaro.

by Nutaro, James [author.].

Publisher: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c2011Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 N95 2011] (1).

Numerical simulations and case studies using Visual C++.Net / Shaharuddin Salleh ... [et al].

by Salleh Shaharuddin, 1956-.

Language: English Publisher: Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 N917 2005] (2).

Introduction to C# game programming / Ron Penton

by Penton, Ron [author.].

Edition: Philippine edition.Publisher: Australia : Cengage Learning, c2010Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 P3888 2010] (3).

Professional C♯ 2008 / Christian Nagel ... [et al.].

by Nagel, Christian, 1965-.

Publisher: Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Publishing, c2008Other title: Wrox Professional C♯ 2008.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 P943 2008] (1).

Problem solving with C++ / Walter Savitch.

by Savitch, Walter J, 1943- [author.].

Edition: Seventh edition.Publisher: Boston : Pearson, c2009Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 Sa94 2009] (1).

Problem solving with C++ : the object of programming / Walter Savitch.

by Savitch, Walter J, 1943- [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Language: English Publisher: Boston : Addison-Wesley, c2003Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 Sa94] (5).

Absolute C++ / Walter Savitch.

by Savitch, Walter J, 1943- [author.].

Language: English Publisher: Singapore : Pearson, c2003Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 Sa94 2003] (5).

C++ programming : problem analysis to program design : lab manual Judy Scholl and Gerard Nugent

by Scholl, Judy [author.] | Nugent, Gerard [author.].

Edition: Philippine edition.Publisher: Andover : Cengage Learning, c2011Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 Sch644 2011] (3).

Effective C++ : 55 specific ways to improve your programs and designs / Scott Meyers.

by Meyers, Scott (Scott Douglas) [author.].

Edition: Third edition.Language: English Publisher: Upper Saddle, NJ : Addison-Wesley, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 M576 2005] (1).

Data structures & algorithm analysis in C++ / Mark Allen Weiss.

by Weiss, Mark Allen [author.].

Edition: Second edition.Language: English Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Education, c2003Other title: Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++.Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 W436 2003] (3).

Effective C# : 50 specific ways to improve your C# / Bill Wagner.

by Wagner, Bill, 1963- [author.].

Language: English Publisher: Boston : Addison-Wesley, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 W125 2005] (1).

An introduction to programming with C++ / Diane Zak

by Zak, Diane [author.].

Edition: Fifth edition.Language: English Publisher: Boston : Thomson/ Course Technology, c2008Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 Z13 2008] (3).

Practical database programming with Visual C# .NET / Ying Bai.

by Bai, Ying, 1956- [author.].

Publisher: Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2010Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 006.2768 B149 2010] (1).

C++ programming : from problem analysis to program design / D. S. Malik

by Malik, D. S [author.].

Edition: Fourth edition.Publisher: Australia : Course Technology, c2009Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

Microsoft Visual C#.NET programming : from problem analysis to program design / Barbara Doyle.

by Doyle, Barbara [author.].

Publisher: Australia : Thomson, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 005.133 D722 2007 ] (4).

C# for students / Douglas Bill and Parr Mike.

by Bill, Douglas [author.] | Parr, Mike [author.].

Publisher: England : Addison-Wesley, 2004Availability: No items available Checked out (1).