Remote sensing and actuation using networked unmanned vehicles /
Haiyang Chao, Yangquan Chen.
- 1 online resource (240 pages).
ABOUT THE AUTHOR HAIYANG CHAO, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University in Morgantown. He authored or coauthored more than twenty peer-reviewed research papers and is one of the key developers of AggieAir, a low-cost, small UAV platform for remote sensing applications.
YANGQUAN CHEN, PhD, is Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Utah State University in Logan. He holds fourteen U.S. patents and is the author of several research monographs and edited volumes, five textbooks, and over 500 peer-reviewed research papers.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
List of Figures xv
List of Tables xix
Foreword xxi
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxv
Acronyms xxvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Monograph Roadmap 1
1.1.1 Sensing and Control in the Information-Rich World 1
1.1.2 Typical Civilian Application Scenarios 3
1.1.3 Challenges in Sensing and Control Using Unmanned Vehicles 5
1.2 Research Motivations 7
1.2.1 Small Unmanned Aircraft System Design for Remote Sensing 7
1.2.2 State Estimation for Small UAVs 8
1.2.3 Advanced Flight Control for Small UAVs 9
1.2.4 Cooperative Remote Sensing Using Multiple UAVs 10
1.2.5 Diffusion Control Using Mobile Actuator and Sensor Networks 11
1.3 Monograph Contributions 11
1.4 Monograph Organization 12
References 12
2 AggieAir: A Low-Cost Unmanned Aircraft System for Remote Sensing 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Small UAS Overview 17
2.2.1 Autopilot Hardware 19
2.2.2 Autopilot Software 21
2.2.3 Typical Autopilots for Small UAVs 22
2.3 AggieAir UAS Platform 26
2.3.1 Remote Sensing Requirements 26
2.3.2 AggieAir System Structure 27
2.3.3 Flying-Wing Airframe 30
2.3.4 OSAM-Paparazzi Autopilot 31
2.3.5 OSAM Image Payload Subsystem 32
2.3.6 gRAID Image Georeference Subsystem 36
2.4 OSAM-Paparazzi Interface Design for IMU Integration 39
2.4.1 Hardware Interface Connections 40
2.4.2 Software Interface Design 41
2.5 AggieAir UAS Test Protocol and Tuning 45
2.5.1 AggieAir UAS Test Protocol 45
2.5.2 AggieAir Controller Tuning Procedure 46
2.6 Typical Platforms and Flight Test Results 47
2.6.1 Typical Platforms 47
2.6.2 Flight Test Results 48
2.7 Chapter Summary 50
References 50
3 Attitude Estimation Using Low-Cost IMUs for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 53
3.1 State Estimation Problem Definition 54
3.2 Rigid Body Rotations Basics 55
3.2.1 Frame Definition 55
3.2.2 Rotation Representations 56
3.2.3 Conversion Between Rotation Representations 57
3.2.4 UAV Kinematics 58
3.3 Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Units: Hardware and Sensor Suites 60
3.3.1 IMU Basics and Notations 60
3.3.2 Sensor Packs 61
3.3.3 IMU Categories 63
3.3.4 Example Low-Cost IMUs 63
3.4 Attitude Estimation Using Complementary Filters on SO(3) 65
3.4.1 Passive Complementary Filter 66
3.4.2 Explicit Complementary Filter 66
3.4.3 Flight Test Results 67
3.5 Attitude Estimation Using Extended Kalman Filters 68
7.3.1 Motion Planning for Actuators with the First-Order Dynamics 146
7.3.2 Motion Planning for Actuators with the Second-Order Dynamics 147
7.3.3 Neutralizing Control 147
7.4 Grouping Effect in CVT-Based Diffusion Control 147
7.4.1 Grouping for CVT-Based Diffusion Control 148
7.4.2 Diffusion Control Simulation with Different Group Sizes 148
7.4.3 Grouping Effect Summary 150
7.5 Information Consensus in CVT-Based Diffusion Control 154
7.5.1 Basic Consensus Algorithm 154
7.5.2 Requirements of Diffusion Control 154
7.5.3 Consensus-Based CVT Algorithm 155
7.6 Simulation Results 158
7.7 Chapter Summary 164
References 164
8 Conclusions and Future Research Suggestions 167
8.1 Conclusions 167
8.2 Future Research Suggestions 168
8.2.1 VTOL UAS Design for Civilian Applications 168
8.2.2 Monitoring and Control of Fast-Evolving Processes 169
8.2.3 Other Future Research Suggestions 169
References 170
Appendix 171
A.1 List of Documents for CSOIS Flight Test Protocol 171
A.1.1 Sample CSOIS-OSAM Flight Test Request Form 171
A.1.2 Sample CSOIS-OSAM 48 in. UAV (IR) In-lab Inspection Form 172
A.1.3 Sample Preflight Checklist 172
A.2 IMU/GPS Serial Communication Protocols 173
A.2.1 u-blox GPS Serial Protocol 173
A.2.2 Crossbow MNAV IMU Serial Protocol 173
A.2.3 Microstrain GX2 IMU Serial Protocol 174
A.2.4 Xsens Mti-g IMU Serial Protocol 178
A.3 Paparazzi Autopilot Software Architecture: A Modification Guide 182
A.3.1 Autopilot Software Structure 182
A.3.2 Airborne C Files 183
A.3.3 OSAM-Paparazzi Interface Implementation 184
A.3.4 Configuration XML Files 185
A.3.5 Roll-Channel Fractional Order Controller Implementation 189
A.4 DiffMas2D Code Modification Guide 192
A.4.1 Files Description 192
A.4.2 Diffusion Animation Generation 193
A.4.3 Implementation of CVT-Consensus Algorithm 193
References 195
Topic Index 197
"Unmanned systems and robotics technologies have become very popular recently owing to their ability to replace human beings in dangerous, tedious, or repetitious jobs. This book fill the gap in the field between research and real-world applications, providing scientists and engineers with essential information on how to design and employ networked unmanned vehicles for remote sensing and distributed control purposes. Target scenarios include environmental or agricultural applications such as river/reservoir surveillance, wind profiling measurement, and monitoring/control of chemical leaks"-- "This book will stimulate other researchers in this field to work on more practical questions and provide some insights to industrial engineers who want to use unmanned systems for their application problems"-- Unmanned systems and robotics technologies have become very popular recently owing to their ability to replace human beings in dangerous, tedious, or repetitious jobs. This book fill the gap in the field between research and real-world applications, providing scientists and engineers with essential information on how to design and employ networked unmanned vehicles for remote sensing and distributed control purposes. Target scenarios include environmental or agricultural applications such as river/reservoir surveillance, wind profiling measurement, and monitoring/control of chemical leaks.