Schilling, Melissa A.,

Strategic management of technological innovation / Melissa A. Schilling, New York University. - Fifth edition. - xvi, 320 pages : 23 cm illustrations;

Includes index. About the Author
Melissa Schilling

Melissa A. Schilling is the Herzog Family Professor of Management at New York University Stern School of Business. She received her Bachelor of Science in business administration from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a Doctor of Philosophy in strategic management from the University of Washington. Professor Schilling’s research focuses on innovation and strategy in high technology industries such as smartphones, video games, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electric vehicles, and renewable energies. She is particularly interested in platform dynamics, networks, creativity, and breakthrough innovation. This textbook, Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, is the number one innovation strategy text in the world. She also recently published Quirky:The Remarkable Story of the Traits, Foibles, and Genius Breakthrough Innovators Who Changed the World.

Her research in innovation and strategy has earned her awards such as the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award, and the Best Paper in Management Science and Organization Science for 2007 Award. Her research has also appeared in leading academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, and Research Policy. She also sits on the editorial review boards of Organization Science, Strategic Organization, Strategy Science, and Academy of Management Discoveries. Professor Schilling teaches courses in technology and innovation management, strategic management, corporate strategy, and strategy for social-mission-based organizations


Introduction 1


Industry Dynamics of Technological Innovation 13

Sources of Innovation 15

Types and Patterns of Innovation 43

Standards Battles and Design Dominance 67

Timing of Entry 89


Formulating Technological Innovation Strategy 107

Defining the Organization's Strategic Direction 109

Choosing Innovation Projects 129

Collaboration Strategies 153

Protecting Innovation 183


Implementing Technological Innovation Strategy 209

Organizing for Innovation 211

Managing the New Product Development Process 235

Managing New Product Development Teams 265

Crafting a Deployment Strategy 283


9781259255526 (alk. paper)

Technological innovations--Management.
New products--Management.
Strategic planning.

HD45 / .S3353 2017
