Muyot, Fritzimarie R.

Experiencing the world of MAPEH 9 / Fritzimarie R. Muyot, Cielo Zamora, Maria Clara G. Baarde, Julie San Jose-Mathews, authors - viii, 366 pages : illustrarions

Bibliography: p351-366.

MUSIC: Unit I: Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque period -- Unit II: Music of the classical period -- Unit III: Instrumental music of the romantic period -- Unit IV: Vocal music of the romantic period -- ARTS: Unit I: Western and classical art -- Unit II: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods -- Unit III: Artists of the Neoclassic and romantic periods -- Unit IV: Western classical plays and operas -- P.E.: Unit 1: Maintaining an active lifestyle -- Unit II: Achieving fitness through community dancing -- Unit III: Fitness in ballroom dancing -- Unit IV: Engaging in active recreation -- HEALTH: Unit I: Community and environment health -- Unit II: Prevention of substance use and abuse -- Unit III: Prevention, safety, and first aid for unintentional injuries -- Unit IV: Prevention, safety, and first aid for intentional injuries.


Music--Classical influences.
Festivals, Philippines.
Environmental health.
Drug abuse.
First aid in illness and injury.
Art --Western influences.
Art, Renaissance.
Ballroom dancing.
