Organizational behavior : a practical, problem-solving approach /
Angelo Kinicki, Arizona State University, Mel Fugate, Southern Methodist University.
- xxxiv, 600 ; CR-2 ; CN33 ; I-26 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
INDIVIDUAL 1. Making OB Work for You: What is OB and Why It's Important? 2. Values and Work Attitudes: How Do They Affect Work-Related Outcomes? 3. Individual Differences and Emotions: Why Does Who You Are Affect Your Performance? 4. Social Perception and Managing Diversity: Why Are These Topics Essential for Success? 5. Foundation of Employee Motivation: How Can Managers Apply Motivation Theories? 6. Performance Management: How Can You Use Goals, Feedback, Rewards, and Positive Reinforcement to Boost Effectiveness? 7. Positive OB: How Can I Flourish at School, Work, and Home? GROUPS 8. Groups and Teams: How Can Working with Others Increases Everybody's Performance? 9. Communication in the Digital Age: How Can I Become a More Effective Communicator? 10. Managing Conflict and Negotiations: How Can These Skills Give You an Ad-vantage? 11. Decision Making and Creativity: How Critical Is It to Master These Skills? 12. Power, Influence, and Politics: How Can You Apply These to Increase Your Effectiveness? ORGANIZATION 13. Leadership Effectiveness: What Does It Take to Be Effective? 14. Organizational Culture, Socialization, and Mentoring: How Can I Use These Concepts for Competitive Advantage? 15. Organizational Design, Effectiveness, and Innovation: What Can I Do to Affect these Key Processes and Outcomes? 16. Managing Change and Stress: How Can You Apply OB and Show What You've Learned? Epilogue: The General Model of OB: A Summary of What You Have Learned