Healthcare systems : challenges and opportunities / edited by Sondes Chaabane, Etienne Cousein, Philippe Wieser.
Contributor(s): Chaabane, Sondes [editor.] | Cousein, Etienne [editor.] | Wieser, Philippe [editor.]
Language: English Series: Health engineering and society series: Publisher: London, UK : Hoboken, NJ : ISTE, Ltd. ; Wiley, 2022Description: 1 online resourceContent type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781786307996; 9781119902614; 1119902614Subject(s): Health services administration | Medical careGenre/Form: Electronic books.DDC classification: 362.1068 LOC classification: RA971Online resources: Full text available at Wiley Online Library Click here to viewItem type | Current location | Home library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Table of Contents
Foreword xiii
Preface xvii
Part 1. Optimization and Simulation of Healthcare Systems 1
Summary of Contributions – Part 1 3
Chapter 1. Towards a Prototype for the Strategic Recomputing of Schedules in Home Care Services 7
1.1. Introduction 7
1.2. Literature review 8
1.3. Description of the problem 11
1.3.1. Constraints 11
1.3.2. Objective function 13
1.4. Resolution method 13
1.4.1. Route generation 13
1.4.2. Route selection 14
1.5. Presentation of the prototype 14
1.6. Tests and results 15
1.7. Conclusion and perspectives 17
1.8. References 17
Chapter 2. Home Healthcare Scheduling Activities 21
2.1. Introduction 21
2.2. State of the art 21
2.3. Description of the proposed approach 24
2.3.1. Home healthcare planning “offline phase” 24
2.3.2. Rescheduling in online mode 27
2.4. Experiments and results 28
2.5. Conclusions and perspectives 30
2.6. References 30
Chapter 3. Optimal Sizing of an Automated Dispensing Cabinet Under Adjacency Constraints 35
Khalid HACHEMI, Didier GOURC and François MARMIER
3.1. Introduction 35
3.2. Problem statement 37
3.2.1. Description of the assignment problem 38
3.2.2. Notations and definitions 38
3.3. Mathematical formulation 40
3.3.1. Determination of boundary conditions 40
3.3.2. Problem solving approach 42
3.4. Application example 45
3.5. Conclusion 47
3.6. References 47
Chapter 4. Validation of an Automated and Targeted Pharmaceutical Analysis Tool at the CHU de Liège 49
Sophie STREEL, Nathalie MAES, Véronique GONCETTE, Laurence SEIDEL, Denis MENAGER, Adelin ALBERT, Philippe KOLH and Didier MAESEN
4.1. Introduction 49
4.2. Methods 51
4.3. Results 53
4.3.1. Creation of algorithms 53
4.3.2. IT tool development 53
4.3.3. Tool validation 56
4.4. Discussion and conclusion 57
4.5. References 59
Chapter 5. Simulation of Countermeasures in the Face of Covid-19 Using a Linear Compartmental Model 61
5.1. Introduction 61
5.2. The compartmental model 62
5.2.1. Model assumptions 62
5.2.2. Model parameters 63
5.3. A linear SIR model 64
5.3.1. Data 64
5.3.2. Variables 65
5.3.3. Objective function 65
5.3.4. Constraints 66
5.4. Results 68
5.5. Conclusion 69
5.6. References 70
Part 2. Digital and New Technologies for Health Services 73
Summary of Contributions – Part 2 75
Chapter 6. Towards a New Classification of Medical Procedures in Belgium 79
6.1. Introduction 79
6.1.1. An essential but obsolete medical healthcare nomenclature 79
6.1.2. Decision to initiate a structural reform of the Belgian healthcare nomenclature 80
6.1.3. The NPS V0 nomenclature in a few figures 81
6.1.4. Purpose of the presentation 81
6.2. Methodology 82
6.2.1. Term analysis and standardization (NPS ATMC V1-1) 84
6.2.2. Medical pre-validation (NPS ATMC V1-2) 84
6.2.3. Matching the WHO International Classification of Health Interventions (NPS ATMC V1-3) 86
6.2.4. Provisional classification of new terms (NPS ATMC V1-3') 89
6.2.5. INAMI administrative work 91
6.2.6. Validation of proposals by expert groups (NPS ATMC V1-4) 91
6.3. Results 93
6.3.1. Planning 93
6.3.2. A summary of the modifications between NPS V0 and NSS V1-3 93
6.3.3. Validation of proposals by experts (NPS ATMC V1-5) 96
6.4. Discussion 96
6.4.1. From the standardization of medical procedures to a common descriptive classification 97
6.4.2. Evaluate the quality for the standardization of medical procedures 99
6.4.3. An estimate of the resources mobilized to arrive at a common descriptive classification 100
6.4.4. Participation of medical experts 100
6.4.5. The implementation of common descriptive classification (CC ATMC V1) 101
6.5. Conclusion 103
6.6. References 103
Chapter 7. Digital Toolkit for the Ergonomic Evaluation of Workstations 105
Valentin ROCHAT and Antoine HAYEK
7.1. Introduction 105
7.2. ProcSim and ergonomics 106
7.2.1. Origin 106
7.2.2. Our product 106
7.2.3. Examples of applications in different sectors 107
7.2.4. Benefits and value addition 108
7.3. Ergonomic assessment process 108
7.3.1. Data collection 108
7.3.2. Data analysis 109
7.3.3. Workstation modeling 111
7.3.4. Virtual reality testing of possible activities 111
7.3.5. Improvement proposals and recommendations 111
7.4. Conclusion 112
7.5. References 113
Chapter 8. Simulation on an RFID Interactive Tabletop with Tangible Objects of Future Working Conditions: Prospects for Implementation in the Hospital Sector 115
Yoann LEBRUN, Nicolas VISPI, Sophie LEPREUX, Sondès CHAABANE and Christophe KOLSKI
8.1. Introduction 115
8.2. State-of-the-art on the simulation of future working conditions 116
8.3. Proposal for a simulator on an interactive tabletop 117
8.4. Development of a first version of a simulator on an interactive tabletop 119
8.5. Application opportunities in the healthcare industry 123
8.6. Conclusion and perspectives in the healthcare industry 124
8.7. Acknowledgments 125
8.8. References 125
Chapter 9. Robotic Geriatric Assistant: A Pilot Assessment in a Real-world Hospital 129
Dimitri VOILMY, Karine LAN HING TING, Ana IGLESIAS, Rebeca MARFIL, Juan Pedro BANDERA, Fernando FERNANDEZ and Quitterie DE ROLL
9.1. Introduction 129
9.2. Geriatric assessment: from needs to the proposed solution 130
9.2.1. Data management and the proposed robotic solution 131
9.2.2. The Clara robotic geriatric assistant – research 132
9.2.3. Hypotheses and research objectives 134
9.3. Methodological approach: living lab approach 134
9.3.1. Empowerment in and through interaction 135
9.3.2. Contribution: new analytical framework 136
9.3.3. Mixed methodological approach 136
9.4. Pilot assessment 137
9.4.1. Procedure and test protocol 137
9.4.2. Results 138
9.5. Conclusion 140
9.6. Acknowledgments 141
9.7. References 141
Chapter 10. Perspectives on the Patient Experience (PX) of People with Disabilities in the Digital Age: From UX to PX 145
Djilali IDOUGHI, Karim TOULOUM, Yohan GUERRIER and Christophe KOLSKI
10.1. Introduction 145
10.2. State-of-the-art on Patient eXperience (PX) 146
10.3. Research methodology and proposal 149
10.4. Illustrations relating to the “user research” phase of the methodological framework 151
10.5. Case study: digital care journey of a patient with a disability 153
10.6. Conclusion 155
10.7. References 155
Part 3. Change Management and Organizational Innovations 159
Summary of Contributions – Part 3 161
Chapter 11. Jointly Improving the Experience of All Stakeholders in Hospital 4.0: The ICSSURP Initiative 165
Wilson GOUDALO, Christophe KOLSKI and Frédéric VANDERHAEGEN
11.1. Introduction 165
11.2. Digital transformation to Hospital 4.0 166
11.3. Essential qualities of information systems of Hospital 4.0 167
11.3.1. Security in information systems of Hospital 4.0 168
11.3.2. Usability of information systems of Hospital 4.0 169
11.3.3. Resilience of information systems of Hospital 4.0 170
11.3.4. Performance of information systems of Hospital 4.0 171
11.4. Towards a joint security, safety, usability, resilience and performance engineering initiative (ICSSURP) 172
11.4.1. Advanced conceptual model of ICSSURP 172
11.4.2. System of homogeneous metrics 172
11.4.3. Summary of the ICSSURP initiative 174
11.5. Conclusion and perspectives 174
11.6. References 175
Chapter 12. A Tool-based Approach to Analyze Operating Room Schedule Execution: Application to Online Management 179
Leah RIFI, Franck FONTANILI and Michel JEANNEY
12.1. Introduction 179
12.2. Methodology used to generate our approach 181
12.2.1. Preliminary phase: from observation to the approach outline 181
12.2.2. Phase 1: design 181
12.2.3. Phase 2: build 182
12.2.4. Phase 3: test 182
12.3. Current version of the proposed tool-based approach 183
12.3.1. Presentation of the first tool: the dashboard conceptual model 183
12.3.2. Presentation of the second tool: the Logbook 185
12.3.3. Description of the current version of the approach 185
12.4. Applied example of our tool-based approach at the Centre Hospitalier de Narbonne 189
12.4.1. Step 1 – collect and process the data 189
12.4.2. Step 2 – evaluate the feasibility and optimality of the initial schedule 190
12.4.3. Steps 3 and 4 – study the indicators and their deviations for the operating suite and the operating rooms 190
12.4.4. Step 5 – study the indicators and their deviations at the level of the interventions 191
12.4.5. Step 6 – determine root causes, impact on the performed schedule and responsibility for deviations 191
12.4.6. Step 7 – evaluate the quality of the actions implemented 192
12.4.7. Summation 192
12.5. Conclusion and perspectives 192
12.6. References 193
Chapter 13. Planning Patient Journeys in Outpatient Hospitals to Support the Ambulatory Shift 195
Virginie FORTINEAU and Lucie ROUSSEL
13.1. Introduction 195
13.2. Background and state-of-the-art methods 196
13.2.1. Planning patient journeys at the hospital 196
13.2.2. 4.0 transforming the operational management of hospital flows 197
13.2.3. Research problem 198
13.3. State-of-the-art and field of application 198
13.3.1. Field of application: patient flows in outpatient hospitals 198
13.3.2. Little tactical planning for the state of the art 199
13.3.3. Choosing a planning and workflow management method 201
13.4. Contribution 202
13.4.1. Macro-planning for groups of pathways: an S&Op for ambulatory medicine 202
13.4.2. Feedback 204
13.5. Discussion and perspectives 205
13.5.1. Repeatability and accessibility of the macro-planning approach 205
13.5.2. Beyond the macro-planning for groups of pathways: towards integrated planning 205
13.6. Conclusion 206
13.7. References 206
Chapter 14. Treatment Protocols Generated by Machine Learning: Putting a Case Study of Hospitalization at Home into Perspective 209
Alice MARTIN, Jean-Baptiste GUILLAUME, Alain GUINET and Julien FONDREVELLE
14.1. Introduction 209
14.2. Context and perspective 210
14.2.1. France’s healthcare restructuring and the impact for HaH 210
14.2.2. Hospitalization at home and target patients 210
14.2.3. The positioning of hospitalization at home versus traditional medicine 212
14.2.4. The problems facing hospitalization at home 213
14.3. The contribution of protocolization 214
14.3.1. A quality tool for the patient and the healthcare provider 214
14.3.2. The interface protocol between healthcare facilities 215
14.3.3. Protocol facing its limitations 216
14.4. Study and proposed methodology 216
14.4.1. Case study of the cost drivers of a hospitalization at home 216
14.4.2. Patient trajectory forecasting and protocol generation 219
14.5. Conclusion 221
14.6. References 221
Chapter 15. Resilience of Healthcare Teams: Case Study of Two Cardiology Intensive Care Units 223
15.1. Introduction 223
15.2. Theoretical framework 225
15.2.1. Defining the concept of resilience within the framework of the study 225
15.2.2. Nature of events and situations studied 226
15.2.3. The conceptual framework of the study 226
15.3. Research methodology 227
15.3.1. The narrative of the event 227
15.3.2. The data collection 228
15.4. Research results 229
15.4.1. Identification of stressors 229
15.4.2. The resilience process 231
15.5. Discussion 238
15.6. Conclusion 242
15.7. References 242
Conclusion and Perspectives 249
Glossary 253
List of Authors 259
Index 263
This book is centered around the development of agile, high-performing healthcare institutions that are well integrated into their environment. The aim is to take advantage of artificial intelligence, optimization and simulation methods to provide solutions to prevent, anticipate, monitor and follow public health developments in order to intervene at the right time, using tools and resources that are both appropriate and effective.
About the Author
Sondes Chaabane is a researcher at the Laboratory of Automation, Mechanics and Industrial and Human Computer Science (LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201) at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France and a lecturer at INSA Hauts-de-France. Her research focuses on the control and resilience of complex systems that combine optimization, simulation and artificial intelligence techniques.
Etienne Cousein is Head of the Pharmacy Department at the Valenciennes Hospital Center, France, and Vice President of the Commission Médicale d'Établissement. His main research interests include automated distribution solutions and medicine management within electronic patient records.
Philippe Wieser is Honorary Professor at EPFL, Switzerland, and Professor at the École des Ponts ParisTech, France. His fields of research are predominantly related to project management, industrial supply chain management and hospital logistics.
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