Green and sustainable manufacturing of advanced materials / edited by Mrityunjay Singh, Tatsuki Ohji, Rajiv Asthana.

Contributor(s): Singh, M. (Mrityunjay) [editor.] | Ohji, T. (Tatsuki) [editor.] | Asthana, R. (Rajiv) [editor.]
Language: English Publisher: Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Waltham, MA, USA : Elsevier, [2016]Copyright date: c2016Description: xix, 687 pages ; 24 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 0124114970; 9780124114975Subject(s): Manufacturing processes -- Environmental aspects | Materials | Manufacturing processes -- Environmental aspects | MaterialsDDC classification: 658.4 LOC classification: TS155.7 | .G72 2016
Part I. Material conservation, recovery, recycling and reuse -- Part II. Sustainable manufacturing : metallic materials -- Part III. Sustainable manufacturing : ceramic materials -- Part IV. Sustainable manufacturing : polymeric and composite materials.
Summary: "Sustainable development is a globally recognized mandate and it includes green or environment-friendly manufacturing practices. Such practices orchestrate with the self-healing and self-replenishing capability of natural ecosystems. Green manufacturing encompasses synthesis, processing, fabrication, and process optimization, but also testing, performance evaluation and reliability. The book shall serve as a comprehensive and authoritative resource on sustainable manufacturing of ceramics, metals and their composites. It is designed to capture the diversity and unity of methods and approaches to materials processing, manufacturing, testing and evaluation across disciplines and length scales. Each chapter incorporates in-depth technical information without compromising the delicate link between factual data and fundamental concepts or between theory and practice. Green and sustainable materials processing and manufacturing is designed as a key enabler of sustainable development."--Back cover.
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Part I. Material conservation, recovery, recycling and reuse -- Part II. Sustainable manufacturing : metallic materials -- Part III. Sustainable manufacturing : ceramic materials -- Part IV. Sustainable manufacturing : polymeric and composite materials.

"Sustainable development is a globally recognized mandate and it includes green or environment-friendly manufacturing practices. Such practices orchestrate with the self-healing and self-replenishing capability of natural ecosystems. Green manufacturing encompasses synthesis, processing, fabrication, and process optimization, but also testing, performance evaluation and reliability. The book shall serve as a comprehensive and authoritative resource on sustainable manufacturing of ceramics, metals and their composites. It is designed to capture the diversity and unity of methods and approaches to materials processing, manufacturing, testing and evaluation across disciplines and length scales. Each chapter incorporates in-depth technical information without compromising the delicate link between factual data and fundamental concepts or between theory and practice. Green and sustainable materials processing and manufacturing is designed as a key enabler of sustainable development."--Back cover.

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