Statistics companion : support for introductory statistics / Roxy Peck, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Tom Short, West Chester University of Pennsylvania ; contributors: Paul D. Nolting, Hillsborough Community College, Kimberly Nolting, Academic Success Press, Inc., Sue Ann Jones Dobbyn, Pellissippi State Community College.
By: Peck, Roxy
Contributor(s): Short, Tom (Thomas H.) [author] | Nolting, Paul D [author] | Nolting, Kimberly [author] | Dobbyn, Sue Ann Jones [author]
Language: English Publisher: Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, [2020]Copyright date: c2020Edition: 1st editionDescription: xxii, 338 pages : color illustrations; 28 cmContent type: text Media type: unmediated Carrier type: volumeISBN: 9781337705592Subject(s): StatisticsDDC classification: 519.5Item type | Current location | Home library | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | Item holds |
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519.5 N229 2015 Statistics for engineers and scientists / | 519.5 N229 2018 Essential statistics / | 519.5 N229 2020 Statistics for engineers and scientists / | 519.5 P334 2020 Statistics companion : support for introductory statistics / | 519.5 P336 2020 Introduction to statistics and data analysis / | 519.5 R737 2012 Workshop statistics : discovery with data / | 519.5 Sa11 2017 Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics : Using excel 2016 / |
Roxy Peck is Associate Dean Emerita of the College of Science and Mathematics, and Professor of Statistics Emerita at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. A faculty member at Cal Poly from 1979 until 2009, Roxy served for six years as Chair of the Statistics Department before becoming Associate Dean, a position she held for 13 years. She received an M.S. in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Applied Statistics from the University of California, Riverside. Roxy is nationally known in the area of statistics education, and she was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award in Statistics Education at the U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics in 2009. In 2003, she received the American Statistical Association’s Founder’s Award, recognizing her contributions to K–12 and undergraduate statistics education. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistics Institute. Roxy served for five years as the Chief Reader for the Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Exam and has chaired the American Statistical Association’s Joint Committee with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability for Grades K–12 and the Section on Statistics Education. In addition to her texts in introductory statistics, Roxy is also co-editor of “Statistical Case Studies: A Collaboration Between Academe and Industry” and a member of the editorial board for “Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown, 4th Edition.” Outside the classroom, Roxy likes to travel and spends her spare time reading mystery novels. She also collects Navajo rugs and heads to Arizona and New Mexico whenever she can find the time.
The late Tom Short was an Associate Professor in the Statistics Program within the Department of Mathematics at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He also previously held faculty positions at Villanova University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania and John Carroll University. He was a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and received the 2005 Mu Sigma Rho Statistics Education Award. Tom served on the leadership team for readings of the Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Exam, and on the AP Statistics Development Committee. He also served on the Board of Directors of the American Statistical Association. Tom treasured the time he shared with his four children and the many adventures experienced with his wife, Darlene.
0. SMART STUDY STRATEGIES: The Learning and Memory Process. The Study Plan for Statistics. Productive Self-Concept through Mindfulness. Putting it all Together.
1. GETTING READY FOR STATISTICS: Numbers and the Number Line—A Quick Review. Rounding Decimal Numbers. Ordering Decimal Numbers. Getting to Know Your Calculator—Order of Operations, Powers of Numbers, Square Roots, and Scientific Notation.
2. CREATING GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Review—Rounding Decimal. Numbers, Plotting Points on the Number Line. Selecting an Appropriate Numerical Scale. Intervals and Interval Widths. Proportions, Decimal Numbers, and Percentages. Plotting Points in Two Dimensions. Evaluating Expressions.
3. MEASURES OF CENTER AND VARIABILITY—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Review—Ordering Decimal Numbers, Square Roots, Distance Between Two Points. Variables and Algebraic Expressions. Summation Notation. Deviations from the Mean, Squared Deviations, Sum of Squared Deviations. Evaluating Expressions.
4. DESCRIBING BIVARIATE NUMERICAL DATA—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Review—Variables, Scatterplots, Linear and Nonlinear Patterns, z-Scores. Working with Lines. Linear Models and Using a Line to Make Predictions. Deviations from a Line and the Sum of Squared Deviations. The Least Squares Line. Evaluating Expressions.
5. PROBABILITY—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Review—Proportions, Decimal Numbers and Percentages, Ordering Decimal Numbers. Sets and Set Notation. Evaluating Expressions.
6. RANDOM VARIABLES AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Review—Powers of Numbers, Square Roots, Intervals, Proportions, Decimals and Percentages, z-Scores. Random variables. More on Intervals. Equations and Inequalities. Areas Under a Curve. Areas of Rectangles and Areas of Triangles. Solving Simple Equations in One Variable. Working with Factorials (Optional, for those covering the Binomial Distribution). Evaluating Expressions.
7. HOW TO READ A STATISTICS PROBLEM: Chapter Overview. A Strategy for Reading a Statistics Problem. Guided Practice Reading Statistics Problems. On Your Own.
8. ESTIMATING A POPULATION PROPORTION—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Margin of Error. Guided Practice—Large Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion. Guided Practice—Determining Sample Size.
9. TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT A POPULATION PROPORTION—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Large Sample Hypothesis Test for a Population Proportion.
10. ESTIMATING A DIFFERENCE IN PROPORTIONS—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Estimating a Difference in Proportions.
11. TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT A DIFFERENCE IN PROPORTIONS—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Testing Hypotheses About a Difference in Proportions.
12. ESTIMATING A POPULATION MEAN—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Estimating a Population Mean.
13. TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT A POPULATION MEAN—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Testing Hypotheses About a Population Mean.
14. ESTIMATING A DIFFERENCE IN MEANS WITH PAIRED SAMPLES—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice— Estimating a Difference in Means with Paired Samples.
15. TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT A DIFFERENCE IN MEANS WITH PAIRED SAMPLES—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice— Testing Hypotheses About a Difference in Means with Paired Samples.
16. ESTIMATING DIFFERENCE IN MEANS WITH INDEPENDENT SAMPLES—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice— Estimating Difference in Means with Independent Samples.
17. TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT A DIFFERENCE IN MEANS WITH INDEPENDENT SAMPLES—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Testing Hypotheses About a Difference in Means with Independent Samples.
18. CHI-SQUARED TESTS—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice�� Chi-Squared Tests.
19. ESTIMATING AND TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT THE SLOPE OF A POPULATION REGRESSION LINE—THE MATH YOU NEED TO KNOW: Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—Confidence Interval for the Slope of a Population Regression Line. Guided Practice—Testing Hypotheses about the Slope of a Population Regression Line.
Evaluating Expressions. Guided Practice—One-Way Analysis of Variance.
Chapters 8 through 20 are short chapters that focus on support for the material on confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, and they can be taught in any order, to accommodate whatever co-requisite textbook in use. Each chapter opens with a section that walks students through evaluating the mathematical expressions they will encounter in the course, and focuses on a specific inference topic, such as estimating a population proportion or testing a hypothesis about a difference in means using independent samples.
Translating Statistics Chapter: Statistics is like learning another language.Let us be your translation guide! Chapter 7, How to Read a Statistics Problem, provides a systematic, three-step approach to tackling any statistics problem you will face. You’ll be able to apply this new skill to your statistics class right away. Just like learning a language or any new habit, practice makes perfect!
Study Skills chapter: Don’t wait until you fall behind in class! Study smarter and faster with Smart Study Strategies by experts Paul Nolting and Kimberly Nolting. Chapter 0 of this text walks you through designing a study plan for the course. Learn the best ways to process and organize information and gain the confidence to keep going when the learning gets tough. This chapter lays the foundation for a successful learning experience in Statistics.
Workbook-like format: The Statistics Companion is formatted to fulfill your statistics companion needs as both a textbook and a workbook. With both instruction, step-by-step examples and exercises with space to work, the Statistics Companion is a whole solution for you.
WebAssign course: Learn, not just do, homework with an interactive eBook, assignments, videos, practice, study plans and more.
Statistics-specific support: Chapters 8 through 20 are short chapters that focus on support for the material on confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, and they can be taught in any order, to accommodate whatever corequisite textbook in use. Each chapter opens with a section that walks students through evaluating the mathematical expressions they will encounter in the course--and focuses on a specific inference topic, such as estimating a population proportion or testing a hypothesis about a difference in means using independent samples.
Corequisite organization: Chapters 1 through 6 are organized around the ordering of topics in a typical Introductory Statistics course. This enables a review of the necessary skills to be addressed in a supporting, parallel course as it is encountered in the Statistics course. If descriptive analysis of bivariate data (correlation and linear regression) is covered before inference, most of the mathematics prerequisites are needed in the first half of the Introductory Statistics course.
Chapter 7 provides students with a systematic strategy for reading and understanding the types of problems that they will encounter throughout the second half of their Introductory Statistics course. Depending on how much time is devoted to the co-requisite course (which may range from two hours to four hours per week), if time permits, the material in this chapter could also be covered earlier because the reading strategies introduced here also apply to problems that students encounter in the descriptive statistics part of the course.
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