City logistics 1 : new opportunities and challenges /
[edited by] Eiichi Taniguchi, Russell G. Thompson.
- 1 online resource
Preface xv
Chapter 1. Recent Developments and Prospects for Modeling City Logistics 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. VRPTW with consideration of environment, energy efficiency and safetyh2
1.3. Multi-agent models 3
1.4. Big data analysis 4
1.5. Physical Internet 5
1.5.1. Movers 6
1.5.2. Nodes 6
1.5.3. Container loading 7
1.5.4. Cross-docking 7
1.6. Co-modality 8
1.7. Electric vehicles 12
1.8. Road network strengthening 13
1.9. Conclusions 15
1.10. Bibliography 16
Chapter 2. Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) in Urban Areas, Revisited 29
Johan VISSER, Julian ALLEN, Michael BROWNE, José HOLGUÍN-VERAS and Juvena NG2.1.
Introduction 29
2.2. Terminology 30
2.3. Trends in the Netherlands 31
2.3.1. The number of LCVs is growing 31
2.3.2. Most LCVs are (not) used for logistics 32
2.3.3. LCVs are used mainly within urban areas 32
2.3.4. Due to Internet shopping, the number of LCVs in cities will increase but not with the same speed as the yearly growth of Internet shopping 33
2.3.5. Vans become bigger 33
2.3.6. Competition from the cargo bike 33
2.4. Trends in the United States 34
2.4.1. Historical estimates of LCV traffic (1960s) 34
2.4.2. Recent estimates of LCV traffic (2015) 35
2.5. Trends in the UK 37
2.5.1. LCVs journey purpose and fleet numbers by sector 38
2.5.2. Changes in size, weight and propulsion for LCVs in the UK 40
2.5.3. E-commerce and the rise in van numbers 40
2.6. Future 41
2.7. Conclusions 42
2.8. Bibliography 42
Chapter 3. Importance and Potential Applications of Freight and Service Activity Models 45
Introduction 45
3.2. Urban economies and freight and service activity 47
3.3. Freight and service activity modeling 51
3.3.1. Survey data 52
3.3.2. Modeling approach 53
3.4. Practical uses of freight and service activity models 54
3.4.1. Identification of FTG patterns in metropolitan areas 55
3.4.2. FTG trends at the county level 57
3.4.3. FTG analyses to support development of freight model 58
3.4.4. Quantification of parking needs for a commercial center 58
3.5. Conclusions 59
3.6. Bibliography 60
Chapter 4. Toward Sustainable Urban Distribution Using City Canals: The Case of Amsterdam 65
4.1. Introduction 65
4.2. Literature review on waterborne urban freight transport 68
4.3. Conceptual model of distribution of the canal system 70
4.3.1. Freight 71
4.3.2. Freight vessels 71
4.3.3. Canals 72
4.3.4. Destinations (shops) and their final delivery 72
4.4. Specification of the model 72
4.4.1. Data collection and general modeling assumptions 73
4.4.2. Demand patterns 73
4.5. Verification and validation 74
4.5.1. Verification 75
4.5.2. Validation 75
4.6. Experiments 75
4.6.1. Overview and discussion of simulation experiments 76
4.6.2. Discussion of the main findings 78
4.7. Conclusions 79
4.8. Bibliography 80
Chapter 5. Effects of Land Use Policies on Local Conditions for Truck Deliveries 85
5.1. Introduction 85
5.2. Policy tools of land use and built environment 87
5.3. Research framework 89
5.3.1. Research hypothesis 89
5.3.2. Data 91
5.3.3. Truck Score 91
5.3.4. Analysis tools 94
5.4. Analysis results 96
5.4.1. Lane width 96
5.4.2. Access time to expressways 97
5.4.3. Truck parking citations 99
5.4.4. Truck Scores 100
5.5. Summary and conclusion 101
5.6. Bibliography 103
Chapter 6. Investigating the Benefits of Shipper-driven Collaboration in Urban Freight Transport and the Effects of Various Gain-sharing Methods 105
6.1. Introduction 105
6.2. Methodology 107
6.3. Literature review 108
6.3.1. Models for horizontal collaboration in urban freight transport 108
6.3.2. Gain-sharing methodologies for horizontal collaboration 111
6.3.3. Modeling horizontal collaboration schemes in urban freight transport 113
6.4. Modeling horizontal collaboration in urban freight transport 113
6.4.1. Simulating a horizontal collaboration between shippers 113
6.4.2. Integrating different gain-sharing methods between shippers 116
6.5. Application to Brussels-Capital Region 117
6.5.1. Context 117
6.5.2. Results with regard to the benefits of the co-loading scheme 118
6.5.3. Analysis of different gain-sharing models 119
6.6. Conclusion 121
6.7. Bibliography 122
Chapter 7. The Future of City Logistics – Trends and Developments Leading toward a Smart and Zero-Emission System 125
Hans QUAK, Robert KOK and Eelco DEN BOER7.1.
Introduction 125
7.1.1. Zero-emission logistics in city centers 126
7.1.2. Reducing city logistics’ carbon footprint to meet climate agreement 126
7.1.3. Dealing with diversity and inertia in city logistics 127
7.2. Research methodology and paper setup 128
7.3. Trends and developments in city logistics 130
7.3.1. More demanding customer 130
7.3.2. Increasing pressure for reduction of GHG emissions 130
7.3.3. Increased pressure for livability of cities 131
7.3.4. Circular economy 131
7.3.5. Connecting the physical world 131
7.3.6. Physical Internet and universal labeling 132
7.3.7. Robotization and automation 132
7.3.8. Vehicle drivetrain technology 133
7.4. Toward performance-based regulation 134
7.5. City logistics unraveled: different segments 135
7.5.1. General cargo 136
7.5.2. Temperature controlled logistics 137
7.5.3. Parcel and express mail 138
7.5.4. Facility logistics 138
7.5.5. Construction logistics 138
7.5.6. Waste collection 139
7.6. Developments’ impacts in city logistics segments 139
7.7. Conclusion 144
7.8. Acknowledgements 144
7.9. Bibliography 145
Chapter 8. A 2050 Vision for Energy-efficient and CO2-free Urban Logistics 147
Martin RUESCH, Simon BOHNE, Thomas SCHMID, Philipp HEGI, Ueli HAEFELI, Tobias ARNOLD and Tobias FUMASOLI
8.1. Introduction 147
8.1.1. Starting point and challenges 147
8.1.2. Research objectives 148
8.1.3. Project phases and work packages 149
8.1.4. Research focus and boundaries 150
8.1.5. Research Framework 150
8.1.6. Focus of the chapter 151
8.2. Approach and methodology 151
8.3. Scenario development and analysis 154
8.3.1. Approach for scenario development 154
8.3.2. Scenario A: protection of natural resources 155
8.3.3. Scenario B: liberalization and technology orientation 155
8.3.4. Main features of the scenarios 156
8.3.5. Quantification of scenarios 156
8.4. 2050 vision targets 158
8.5. 2050 vision for energy-efficient and CO2-free urban logistics 159
8.5.1. 2050 vision development process vision elements 159
8.5.2. 2050 vision for energy-efficient and CO2-free urban logistics 161
8.5.3. Vision impact 163
8.6. Conclusions and outlook 165
8.7. Acknowledgements 166
8.8. Bibliography 166
Chapter 9. Assessing the Impact of a Low Emission Zone on Freight Transport Emission 169
Christophe RIZET
9.1. Introduction 169
9.1.1. Freight fleets and their changes 171
9.2. Changes in emissions in the Paris area according to scenarios 179
9.3. Conclusion 183
9.4. Bibliography 185
Chapter 10. Long-Term Effects of Innovative City Logistics Measures 189
10.1. Introduction 189
10.2. Data and methodology 192
10.3. General long-term effects of CIVITAS II city logistics measures 193
10.4. Case studies of city logistics measures in CIVITAS PLUS 195
10.4.1. Case study 1: Cargohopper 195
10.4.2. Case study 2: Beer Boat 200
10.5. Analysis 205
10.6. Conclusion 206
10.7. Acknowledgements 207
10.8. Bibliography 207
Chapter 11. Classification of Last-Mile Delivery Models for e-Commerce Distribution: A Global Perspective 209
11.1. Introduction 209
11.2. Scope of the study 211
11.3. Literature review 211
11.4. Characterizing the operational setups of delivery models 212
11.4.1. Groups of variables defining last-mile e-commerce delivery models observed in case studies 213
11.4.2. Relationships between characteristic variables 214
11.5. Classification of last-mile delivery models in e-retail 216
11.5.1. Delivery model archetype 1: direct non-priority home/near-home or workplace deliveries 217
11.5.2. Delivery model archetype 2: deliveries towards automatic lockers 219
11.5.3. Delivery model archetype 3: deliveries towards pick-up points 219
11.5.4. Delivery model archetype 4: delivery through a (micro-) consolidation center or urban depot 220
11.5.5. Delivery model archetype 5: delivery through mobile warehouse 221
11.5.6. Delivery model archetype 6: home delivery using an intermediary transshipment point 221
11.5.7. Delivery model archetype 7: local e-fulfillment and same-day delivery through local specialists 222
11.5.8. Delivery model archetype 8: same-day delivery through hyperlocal inventory and process optimization 222
11.5.9. Delivery model archetype 9: same-day customer pick-up at local e-fulfillment centers 223
11.5.10. Delivery model archetype 10: delivery through local courier or crowdshipping networks 223
11.6. The importance of local context 224
11.7. Conclusion 225
11.8. Bibliography 225
Chapter 12. City Logistics with Collaborative Centers 231
Serban RAICU, Raluca RAICU, Dorinela COSTESCU and Mihaela POPA12.
1.Introduction 231
12.2. Problem presentation 232
12.3. Transfer options between the collaborative centers 235
12.4. Mathematical model 240
12.5. Case study 242
12.6. Conclusion 247
12.7. Bibliography 248
Chapter 13. Exploring Criteria for Tendering for Sustainable Urban Construction Logistics 251
Susanne BALM and Walther PLOOS VAN AMSTEL13.
1. Introduction 251
13.2. Construction logistics 252
13.2.1. Standardization 254
13.2.2. Model development 254
13.2.3. Traffic management and ITS 255
13.3. Tendering construction projects 256
13.4. Discussion and further research 259
13.4.1. Current research 259
13.5. Bibliography 260
Chapter 14. Observing Interactions Between Urban Freight Transport Actors: Studying the Construction of Public Policies 265
14.1. Introduction 265
14.2. A diversity of approaches 266
14.3. Field of observation 267
14.4. Analysis framework and data collection method 267
14.5. Social interactions analysis: perceptions of urban freight 274
14.6. Explaining the policy-making obstacles 279
14.7. Conclusion 281
14.8. Bibliography 283
Chapter 15. Viewpoint of Industries, Retailers and Carriers about Urban Freight Transport: Solutions, Challenges and Practices in Brazil 287
Leise Kelli DE OLIVEIRA, Paulo Renato DE SOUSA, Paulo Tarso Vilela DE RESENDE, Rafael Barroso DE OLIVEIRA and Renata Lúcia Magalhães DE OLIVEIRA
15.1. Introduction 287
15.2. Methodology 289
15.3 Results 290
15.3.1. City logistics solutions and stakeholders’ points of view 291
15.3.2. Solutions, challenges and current practices 295
15.4. Discussion of results 297
15.5. Conclusion 298
15.6. Acknowledgements 298
15.7. Bibliography 298
Chapter 16. Municipal Co-distribution of Goods: Business Models, Stakeholders and Driving Forces for Change 303
16.1. Introduction 303
16.2. Business models 305
16.3. Stakeholders 308
16.4. Development 1999–2016 310
16.5. The Skåne survey 314
16.6. Driving forces for change 315
16.7. Conclusion 319
16.8. Bibliography 319
Chapter 17. Optimizing Courier Routes in Central Business Districts 325
Russell G. THOMPSON, Lele ZHANG and Michael STOKOE
17.1. Introduction 325
17.2. Model development 326
17.3. Literature review 328
17.3.1. Bi-level optimization 328
17.3.2. Vehicle routing problem (traveling salesman problem) 329
17.3.3. Multi-objective optimization 329
17.4. Formulation 330
17.4.1. Notation 330
17.4.2. Assumptions 330
17.4.3. Costs 331
17.4.4. Bi-level programming formulation 331
17.5. Software development 332
17.5.1. Neighborhood generation procedures 333
17.6. Test network 333
17.7. Sydney central business district 335
17.8. Conclusion 338
17.9. Bibliography 339
Chapter 18. A Vehicle Routing Model Considering the Environment and Safety in the Vicinity of Sensitive Urban Facilities 343
18.1. Introduction 343
18.2. Modeling 345
18.3. Genetic algorithm 348
18.4. Experiment setup 349
18.5. Results and discussion 350
18.6. Conclusion 355
18.7. Bibliography 356
Chapter 19. Remote Assessment Sensor Routing: An Application for Waste Management 359
19.1. Introduction 359
19.2. Literature review 361
19.2.1. Vehicle routing 361
19.2.2. Inventory routing problem 363
19.2.3. State-of-practice in waste collection 363
19.2.4. State-of-the-art in waste collection 364
19.3. Remote assessment sensor routing problem (RASRP) 364
19.3.1. Approximate dynamic programing model (ADPM) 364
19.3.2. Benchmark models 369
19.4. Model analysis and evaluation 371
19.4.1. Analysis of the continuous approximation model 371
19.4.2. Analysis of the approximate dynamic programing model 374
19.5. Conclusions 375
19.6. Bibliography 376
Chapter 20. Can Routing Systems Surpass the Routing Knowledge of an Experienced Driver in Urban Deliveries? 381
Jacques LEONARDI And Tadashi YAMADA
20.1. Introduction: problem understanding and issues, research hypotheses, objectives and key questions 381
20.2. Measures, approaches and method of the study and the trials 385
20.3. Test design 387
20.4. Results: Software A trial 390
20.4.1. Combination of pedestrian and street routing optimization 391
20.4.2. Grouping orders 392
20.4.3. Software B trial 394
20.5. Discussion and concluding remarks 395
20.6. Acknowledgements 398
20.7. Bibliography 398
List of Authors 401
Index 405
This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing policy measures of city logistics including cooperative freight transport systems in public-private partnerships. Case studies of implementing and evaluating city logistics measures in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits from major cities around the world are also given.
Electronic books.
Preface xv
Chapter 1. Recent Developments and Prospects for Modeling City Logistics 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. VRPTW with consideration of environment, energy efficiency and safetyh2
1.3. Multi-agent models 3
1.4. Big data analysis 4
1.5. Physical Internet 5
1.5.1. Movers 6
1.5.2. Nodes 6
1.5.3. Container loading 7
1.5.4. Cross-docking 7
1.6. Co-modality 8
1.7. Electric vehicles 12
1.8. Road network strengthening 13
1.9. Conclusions 15
1.10. Bibliography 16
Chapter 2. Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) in Urban Areas, Revisited 29
Johan VISSER, Julian ALLEN, Michael BROWNE, José HOLGUÍN-VERAS and Juvena NG2.1.
Introduction 29
2.2. Terminology 30
2.3. Trends in the Netherlands 31
2.3.1. The number of LCVs is growing 31
2.3.2. Most LCVs are (not) used for logistics 32
2.3.3. LCVs are used mainly within urban areas 32
2.3.4. Due to Internet shopping, the number of LCVs in cities will increase but not with the same speed as the yearly growth of Internet shopping 33
2.3.5. Vans become bigger 33
2.3.6. Competition from the cargo bike 33
2.4. Trends in the United States 34
2.4.1. Historical estimates of LCV traffic (1960s) 34
2.4.2. Recent estimates of LCV traffic (2015) 35
2.5. Trends in the UK 37
2.5.1. LCVs journey purpose and fleet numbers by sector 38
2.5.2. Changes in size, weight and propulsion for LCVs in the UK 40
2.5.3. E-commerce and the rise in van numbers 40
2.6. Future 41
2.7. Conclusions 42
2.8. Bibliography 42
Chapter 3. Importance and Potential Applications of Freight and Service Activity Models 45
Introduction 45
3.2. Urban economies and freight and service activity 47
3.3. Freight and service activity modeling 51
3.3.1. Survey data 52
3.3.2. Modeling approach 53
3.4. Practical uses of freight and service activity models 54
3.4.1. Identification of FTG patterns in metropolitan areas 55
3.4.2. FTG trends at the county level 57
3.4.3. FTG analyses to support development of freight model 58
3.4.4. Quantification of parking needs for a commercial center 58
3.5. Conclusions 59
3.6. Bibliography 60
Chapter 4. Toward Sustainable Urban Distribution Using City Canals: The Case of Amsterdam 65
4.1. Introduction 65
4.2. Literature review on waterborne urban freight transport 68
4.3. Conceptual model of distribution of the canal system 70
4.3.1. Freight 71
4.3.2. Freight vessels 71
4.3.3. Canals 72
4.3.4. Destinations (shops) and their final delivery 72
4.4. Specification of the model 72
4.4.1. Data collection and general modeling assumptions 73
4.4.2. Demand patterns 73
4.5. Verification and validation 74
4.5.1. Verification 75
4.5.2. Validation 75
4.6. Experiments 75
4.6.1. Overview and discussion of simulation experiments 76
4.6.2. Discussion of the main findings 78
4.7. Conclusions 79
4.8. Bibliography 80
Chapter 5. Effects of Land Use Policies on Local Conditions for Truck Deliveries 85
5.1. Introduction 85
5.2. Policy tools of land use and built environment 87
5.3. Research framework 89
5.3.1. Research hypothesis 89
5.3.2. Data 91
5.3.3. Truck Score 91
5.3.4. Analysis tools 94
5.4. Analysis results 96
5.4.1. Lane width 96
5.4.2. Access time to expressways 97
5.4.3. Truck parking citations 99
5.4.4. Truck Scores 100
5.5. Summary and conclusion 101
5.6. Bibliography 103
Chapter 6. Investigating the Benefits of Shipper-driven Collaboration in Urban Freight Transport and the Effects of Various Gain-sharing Methods 105
6.1. Introduction 105
6.2. Methodology 107
6.3. Literature review 108
6.3.1. Models for horizontal collaboration in urban freight transport 108
6.3.2. Gain-sharing methodologies for horizontal collaboration 111
6.3.3. Modeling horizontal collaboration schemes in urban freight transport 113
6.4. Modeling horizontal collaboration in urban freight transport 113
6.4.1. Simulating a horizontal collaboration between shippers 113
6.4.2. Integrating different gain-sharing methods between shippers 116
6.5. Application to Brussels-Capital Region 117
6.5.1. Context 117
6.5.2. Results with regard to the benefits of the co-loading scheme 118
6.5.3. Analysis of different gain-sharing models 119
6.6. Conclusion 121
6.7. Bibliography 122
Chapter 7. The Future of City Logistics – Trends and Developments Leading toward a Smart and Zero-Emission System 125
Hans QUAK, Robert KOK and Eelco DEN BOER7.1.
Introduction 125
7.1.1. Zero-emission logistics in city centers 126
7.1.2. Reducing city logistics’ carbon footprint to meet climate agreement 126
7.1.3. Dealing with diversity and inertia in city logistics 127
7.2. Research methodology and paper setup 128
7.3. Trends and developments in city logistics 130
7.3.1. More demanding customer 130
7.3.2. Increasing pressure for reduction of GHG emissions 130
7.3.3. Increased pressure for livability of cities 131
7.3.4. Circular economy 131
7.3.5. Connecting the physical world 131
7.3.6. Physical Internet and universal labeling 132
7.3.7. Robotization and automation 132
7.3.8. Vehicle drivetrain technology 133
7.4. Toward performance-based regulation 134
7.5. City logistics unraveled: different segments 135
7.5.1. General cargo 136
7.5.2. Temperature controlled logistics 137
7.5.3. Parcel and express mail 138
7.5.4. Facility logistics 138
7.5.5. Construction logistics 138
7.5.6. Waste collection 139
7.6. Developments’ impacts in city logistics segments 139
7.7. Conclusion 144
7.8. Acknowledgements 144
7.9. Bibliography 145
Chapter 8. A 2050 Vision for Energy-efficient and CO2-free Urban Logistics 147
Martin RUESCH, Simon BOHNE, Thomas SCHMID, Philipp HEGI, Ueli HAEFELI, Tobias ARNOLD and Tobias FUMASOLI
8.1. Introduction 147
8.1.1. Starting point and challenges 147
8.1.2. Research objectives 148
8.1.3. Project phases and work packages 149
8.1.4. Research focus and boundaries 150
8.1.5. Research Framework 150
8.1.6. Focus of the chapter 151
8.2. Approach and methodology 151
8.3. Scenario development and analysis 154
8.3.1. Approach for scenario development 154
8.3.2. Scenario A: protection of natural resources 155
8.3.3. Scenario B: liberalization and technology orientation 155
8.3.4. Main features of the scenarios 156
8.3.5. Quantification of scenarios 156
8.4. 2050 vision targets 158
8.5. 2050 vision for energy-efficient and CO2-free urban logistics 159
8.5.1. 2050 vision development process vision elements 159
8.5.2. 2050 vision for energy-efficient and CO2-free urban logistics 161
8.5.3. Vision impact 163
8.6. Conclusions and outlook 165
8.7. Acknowledgements 166
8.8. Bibliography 166
Chapter 9. Assessing the Impact of a Low Emission Zone on Freight Transport Emission 169
Christophe RIZET
9.1. Introduction 169
9.1.1. Freight fleets and their changes 171
9.2. Changes in emissions in the Paris area according to scenarios 179
9.3. Conclusion 183
9.4. Bibliography 185
Chapter 10. Long-Term Effects of Innovative City Logistics Measures 189
10.1. Introduction 189
10.2. Data and methodology 192
10.3. General long-term effects of CIVITAS II city logistics measures 193
10.4. Case studies of city logistics measures in CIVITAS PLUS 195
10.4.1. Case study 1: Cargohopper 195
10.4.2. Case study 2: Beer Boat 200
10.5. Analysis 205
10.6. Conclusion 206
10.7. Acknowledgements 207
10.8. Bibliography 207
Chapter 11. Classification of Last-Mile Delivery Models for e-Commerce Distribution: A Global Perspective 209
11.1. Introduction 209
11.2. Scope of the study 211
11.3. Literature review 211
11.4. Characterizing the operational setups of delivery models 212
11.4.1. Groups of variables defining last-mile e-commerce delivery models observed in case studies 213
11.4.2. Relationships between characteristic variables 214
11.5. Classification of last-mile delivery models in e-retail 216
11.5.1. Delivery model archetype 1: direct non-priority home/near-home or workplace deliveries 217
11.5.2. Delivery model archetype 2: deliveries towards automatic lockers 219
11.5.3. Delivery model archetype 3: deliveries towards pick-up points 219
11.5.4. Delivery model archetype 4: delivery through a (micro-) consolidation center or urban depot 220
11.5.5. Delivery model archetype 5: delivery through mobile warehouse 221
11.5.6. Delivery model archetype 6: home delivery using an intermediary transshipment point 221
11.5.7. Delivery model archetype 7: local e-fulfillment and same-day delivery through local specialists 222
11.5.8. Delivery model archetype 8: same-day delivery through hyperlocal inventory and process optimization 222
11.5.9. Delivery model archetype 9: same-day customer pick-up at local e-fulfillment centers 223
11.5.10. Delivery model archetype 10: delivery through local courier or crowdshipping networks 223
11.6. The importance of local context 224
11.7. Conclusion 225
11.8. Bibliography 225
Chapter 12. City Logistics with Collaborative Centers 231
Serban RAICU, Raluca RAICU, Dorinela COSTESCU and Mihaela POPA12.
1.Introduction 231
12.2. Problem presentation 232
12.3. Transfer options between the collaborative centers 235
12.4. Mathematical model 240
12.5. Case study 242
12.6. Conclusion 247
12.7. Bibliography 248
Chapter 13. Exploring Criteria for Tendering for Sustainable Urban Construction Logistics 251
Susanne BALM and Walther PLOOS VAN AMSTEL13.
1. Introduction 251
13.2. Construction logistics 252
13.2.1. Standardization 254
13.2.2. Model development 254
13.2.3. Traffic management and ITS 255
13.3. Tendering construction projects 256
13.4. Discussion and further research 259
13.4.1. Current research 259
13.5. Bibliography 260
Chapter 14. Observing Interactions Between Urban Freight Transport Actors: Studying the Construction of Public Policies 265
14.1. Introduction 265
14.2. A diversity of approaches 266
14.3. Field of observation 267
14.4. Analysis framework and data collection method 267
14.5. Social interactions analysis: perceptions of urban freight 274
14.6. Explaining the policy-making obstacles 279
14.7. Conclusion 281
14.8. Bibliography 283
Chapter 15. Viewpoint of Industries, Retailers and Carriers about Urban Freight Transport: Solutions, Challenges and Practices in Brazil 287
Leise Kelli DE OLIVEIRA, Paulo Renato DE SOUSA, Paulo Tarso Vilela DE RESENDE, Rafael Barroso DE OLIVEIRA and Renata Lúcia Magalhães DE OLIVEIRA
15.1. Introduction 287
15.2. Methodology 289
15.3 Results 290
15.3.1. City logistics solutions and stakeholders’ points of view 291
15.3.2. Solutions, challenges and current practices 295
15.4. Discussion of results 297
15.5. Conclusion 298
15.6. Acknowledgements 298
15.7. Bibliography 298
Chapter 16. Municipal Co-distribution of Goods: Business Models, Stakeholders and Driving Forces for Change 303
16.1. Introduction 303
16.2. Business models 305
16.3. Stakeholders 308
16.4. Development 1999–2016 310
16.5. The Skåne survey 314
16.6. Driving forces for change 315
16.7. Conclusion 319
16.8. Bibliography 319
Chapter 17. Optimizing Courier Routes in Central Business Districts 325
Russell G. THOMPSON, Lele ZHANG and Michael STOKOE
17.1. Introduction 325
17.2. Model development 326
17.3. Literature review 328
17.3.1. Bi-level optimization 328
17.3.2. Vehicle routing problem (traveling salesman problem) 329
17.3.3. Multi-objective optimization 329
17.4. Formulation 330
17.4.1. Notation 330
17.4.2. Assumptions 330
17.4.3. Costs 331
17.4.4. Bi-level programming formulation 331
17.5. Software development 332
17.5.1. Neighborhood generation procedures 333
17.6. Test network 333
17.7. Sydney central business district 335
17.8. Conclusion 338
17.9. Bibliography 339
Chapter 18. A Vehicle Routing Model Considering the Environment and Safety in the Vicinity of Sensitive Urban Facilities 343
18.1. Introduction 343
18.2. Modeling 345
18.3. Genetic algorithm 348
18.4. Experiment setup 349
18.5. Results and discussion 350
18.6. Conclusion 355
18.7. Bibliography 356
Chapter 19. Remote Assessment Sensor Routing: An Application for Waste Management 359
19.1. Introduction 359
19.2. Literature review 361
19.2.1. Vehicle routing 361
19.2.2. Inventory routing problem 363
19.2.3. State-of-practice in waste collection 363
19.2.4. State-of-the-art in waste collection 364
19.3. Remote assessment sensor routing problem (RASRP) 364
19.3.1. Approximate dynamic programing model (ADPM) 364
19.3.2. Benchmark models 369
19.4. Model analysis and evaluation 371
19.4.1. Analysis of the continuous approximation model 371
19.4.2. Analysis of the approximate dynamic programing model 374
19.5. Conclusions 375
19.6. Bibliography 376
Chapter 20. Can Routing Systems Surpass the Routing Knowledge of an Experienced Driver in Urban Deliveries? 381
Jacques LEONARDI And Tadashi YAMADA
20.1. Introduction: problem understanding and issues, research hypotheses, objectives and key questions 381
20.2. Measures, approaches and method of the study and the trials 385
20.3. Test design 387
20.4. Results: Software A trial 390
20.4.1. Combination of pedestrian and street routing optimization 391
20.4.2. Grouping orders 392
20.4.3. Software B trial 394
20.5. Discussion and concluding remarks 395
20.6. Acknowledgements 398
20.7. Bibliography 398
List of Authors 401
Index 405
This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing policy measures of city logistics including cooperative freight transport systems in public-private partnerships. Case studies of implementing and evaluating city logistics measures in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits from major cities around the world are also given.
Electronic books.