Alave, Jun C.
Physical education and health : book 2 / Jun C. Alave - v, 155 pages ; 27 cm.
Physical Education and Health (HOPE 2) -- Sports and Health -- Basic Concepts of Health -- What is Health? Health and lifestyle -- Sports and Nutrition -- Importance of Nutrition to Athletic Performance -- Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance -- Basic Concepts of Sports -- Sport as Effective Tool in Promoting Health and Preventing Disease -- Sport in Fostering Social Connection -- Sport as a Platform for Communication, Education and Social Mobilization -- Individual & Dual Sports -- Chapter 1: Arnis -- Chapter 2: Badminton -- Chapter 3: Table Tennis -- Chapter 4: Track and Field -- Team Sports -- Chapter 1: Basketball -- Chapter 2: Volleyball -- Chapter 3: Softball -- Suggested Activities in Pitching -- Terminology
Badminton (Game).
Table tennis.
Track and field.
Team sports.
Physical education and health : book 2 / Jun C. Alave - v, 155 pages ; 27 cm.
Physical Education and Health (HOPE 2) -- Sports and Health -- Basic Concepts of Health -- What is Health? Health and lifestyle -- Sports and Nutrition -- Importance of Nutrition to Athletic Performance -- Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance -- Basic Concepts of Sports -- Sport as Effective Tool in Promoting Health and Preventing Disease -- Sport in Fostering Social Connection -- Sport as a Platform for Communication, Education and Social Mobilization -- Individual & Dual Sports -- Chapter 1: Arnis -- Chapter 2: Badminton -- Chapter 3: Table Tennis -- Chapter 4: Track and Field -- Team Sports -- Chapter 1: Basketball -- Chapter 2: Volleyball -- Chapter 3: Softball -- Suggested Activities in Pitching -- Terminology
Badminton (Game).
Table tennis.
Track and field.
Team sports.