Stanovich, Keith E.

How to think straight about psychology / Keith E. Stanovich - 9th - xvi, 240 pages:

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Psychology is alive and well (and doing fine among the sciences) --
2. Falsifiability: how to foil little green men in the head --
3. Operationism and essentialism: "But, doctor, what does it really mean?" --
4. Testimonials and case study evidence: placebo effects and the amazing Randi --
5. Correlation and causation: birth control by the toaster method --
6. Getting things under control: the case of clever Hans --
7. "But it's not real life!": the "artificiality" criticism and psychology --
8. Avoiding the Einstein syndrome: the importance of converging evidence --
9. The Misguided search for the "magic bullet": the issue of multiple causation --
10. The Achilles' heel of human cognition: probabilistic reasoning --
11. The Role of chance in psychology --
12. The Rodney Dangerfield of sciences.

"This is a special edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. Pearson published this exclusive edition for the benefit of students outside the United States and Canada"

Mass media--Psychological aspects
Mass media--Objectivity