Sears list of subject headings / [edited by Joseph Miller ; Joan Goodsell, associate editor] - Eighteenth edition - Ii 804 pages ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references

Since 1923, this reference has provided library catalogers with headings designed to optimize patron access to the library's collection. The reference also delivers patterns and examples to help catalogers create further headings as needed. This 18th edition features some 500 new headings, reflecting developments in popular culture, computers and technology, personal relations, psychology, handicrafts, and other areas. Classification numbers for headings have also been updated, reflecting the new 14th Abridged Edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification. A special section designed as an introduction to subject cataloging using the Sears list has been expanded in this edition to offer guidance to libraries assigning topical and geographic headings to works of fiction, drama, and poetry.


Subject headings
