Malik, D. S.

C++ programming : program design including data structures / D.S. Malik. - Eighth edition. - Boston, MA Cengage Learning c2018. - xxxviii, 1679 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

D.S. Malik, Creighton University
D.S. Malik is a Professor of Mathematics and the first recipient and current holder of The Frederick H. and Anna K. Scheerer Endowed Chair in Mathematics at Creighton University. Dr. Malik received his Ph.D. from Ohio University in 1985 and has published more than 50 papers and 18 books on abstract algebra, applied mathematics, graph theory, fuzzy automata theory and languages, fuzzy logic and its applications, programming, data structures, and discrete mathematics.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Table of Contents Show Less
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures
1. An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages
2. Basic Elements of C++
3. Input/Output
4. Control Structures I (Selection)
5. Control Structures II (Repetition)
6. User-Defined Function
7. Namespaces, the class string, and User-Defined Simple Data Types
8. Arrays
a. One dimensional arrays
b. Sequential search
c. Selection sort
d. Two and multi-dimensional arrays
e. The class vector
9. Records (structs)
10. Classes and Data Abstraction
11. Inheritance and Composition
12. Pointers, Classes, Virtual Functions, and Abstract Classes
13. Operator Overloading and Templates
14. Exception Handling
15. Recursion
16. Linked Lists
17. Stacks and Queue
18. Searching and Sorting Algorithms
a. Binary Search
b. Bubble Sort
c. Selection Sort
d. Insertion Sort
e. Quick Sort
f. Merge Sort
g. Heap Sort
19. Binary Trees

20. Graph Algorithms
21. Standard Template Library


C++ (Computer program language)
Computer programming.
